Happy Eyes

“Happy the eyes that can close.” --from Cry the Beloved Country

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Oh the Weather Outside is Frightful

So i called my mom up today and told her i was very seriously considering packing the boys up and moving back to DC. For a brief second she sounded kind of excited (and confused). I proceeded to tell her about the current blizzard conditions we are in and how fed up I am with it! It is the end of April and we are getting a foot of snow. Come on! In all seriousness, if this is how Colorado winters are going to be, I don't know how long I can do this. One consolation is that I don't have to live through the hot and sticky summers in DC, but this is not a fair trade!! What's the addage about not being able to control the weather? I know, i need to get over it. But it really does affect my mood and attitude.

We (me and the boys) ventured out today to get gas and with plans to go downtown to pick-up a CPR dummy for the class I'm teaching the girls going to camp. I got to the gas station here and after getting pummelled by the snow and wind found that the pumps were down due to the weather. Literally frozen. As well as the electronic system was down somehow related to the weather, too. And I am completely on "E." I never let it get that low! So after waiting around awhile I finally just coasted home with the kids. I called and made sure the CPR class was going to be canceled anyway due to the storm which it is. That was our big outing for the day. So the TV has been on A LOT...Some days I just am not motivated.


erin said...

ah yes... the weather here... hot and humid. no rain in sight. no spring for us this year, but the trees and flowers look great (but won't last long in this weather). enjoy your hot chocolate and movies! (don't miss the long winters, i must say)(PACK UP AND MOVE BACK ANY TIME!!!!!!!!)

Jenni said...

I'm so sorry for you - burrrr!! What is up w/ that CO weather?? When we lived there the winters were so mild - I hope you guys get a break soon and some springy weather!!

Cami said...

what the . . . sorry about the snow. Sheesh.

Corinne said...

I hate that! Gas pumps FROZEN? I didn't understand that was a possibility