Happy Eyes

“Happy the eyes that can close.” --from Cry the Beloved Country

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

100 Things

So, taking my cue from Corinne. This challenge is right up my alley--being the lover of lists and all. As the Go-Go's sing, "I am a girl of 100 lists, what shall i where, to who have i kissed? check items off, there's nothing we're missing, item myself and my 100 lists." i could be off on the exact lyrics, but you get it. Here goes:

  1. i was an Army brat and lived in Germany (as a baby), Virginia (N & S), Rhode Island, Colorado, Pennsylvania. My family has lived in NoVA for almost 20 years now, though
  2. i went through a lengthy hippie/bohemian stage in high school and often heard my father tell me to "go hug a tree" when i bemoaned all the development in our area
  3. with very rare exceptions, once i invest in a friendship i am there for good. i will track you down and seem to be the one to send cards, emails and phone calls to keep in touch. eventually i will give up if not reciprocated or if it's just time to do so
  4. i am impatient
  5. i am ticklish
  6. i don't like to fly but enjoy a good road trip
  7. i love eavesdropping on my son while he's playing/having pretend conversations
  8. i love long, hot showers
  9. i worry that i am not a good-enough parent
  10. i learned increased patience through my firstborn
  11. i am a slob--my bathrooms and kitchen are clean but otherwise i struggle
  12. i am madly in love with my husband
  13. i never imagined i'd get married so young (22) but i'm so glad i did
  14. i wore a Milwaukee back brace at ages 14-16 to correct a spinal curvature (kyphosis). i was only allowed to take it off to shower and exercise. without that i would either need a rod in my spine or be a hunchback. just call me "Quasimoto." a tough age to be/look different but it really shaped who i am today
  15. i have terrible posture
  16. i was a phenomenal labor and delivery nurse
  17. i was never more confident, outspoken and assertive than when i worked full-time in L&D
  18. i often miss that assertive person!
  19. i sometimes sneak in bed with Bode and can't believe how big/old he is
  20. i am easily addicted to cross stitching and can stay up to all hours if i really like what i'm doing
  21. i eat an atrocious diet (and there's no excuse as i know more about proper nutrition than the average joe)
  22. i attribute my thinness to a wicked fast metabolism and lucky genes
  23. i love watching Keegen "eat" his toes
  24. i am hard on myself but think i'm pretty fair and honest in my assessments
  25. i am self-conscious
  26. i can keep a secret
  27. my feet are always cold and i can't sleep without socks on
  28. chocolate and peanut butter are the best combination ever
  29. i played the violin beautifully until i put it down 10 years ago!
  30. having children has made me much more outgoing
  31. i think it's very important to have frequent girls' nights. healthy to get out and talk with other women in similar situations. we even manage to not talk the entire time about our children, potty training; etc.
  32. i would like to be rich so i could be extra-generous to friends and family
  33. i have loved African literature since high school AP English and have wanted to visit Africa since then
  34. i would like to serve a welfare mission someday
  35. i considered serving a mission for my church but decided it wasn't for me (since i really just wanted to go to Africa on a health/welfare mission, and, well, it just doesn't work that way!)
  36. i will miss nursing Keegen
  37. i wonder if we will have more children?
  38. my first delivery was absolutely horrible. Bode and i were totally traumatized but pulled through it
  39. i would definitely have one more if my pregnancies weren't so full of scary bleeding, contractions, and bedrest
  40. my first job was schlepping bagels at the Bagel Bakery
  41. my best job prior to being a nurse was being a park ranger at Bull Run Regional Park for 3 seasons
  42. i was in the Army ROTC on a nursing scholarship in college
  43. i broke my wrist while RUNNING
  44. i had LASIK surgery when Bode was 6 months old and now see 20/15
  45. i love a good pedicure
  46. i am a good listener
  47. i have an older sister and a younger brother
  48. my sister and i didn't get along growing up, until she left for college. now, 2000+ miles apart, she is the one i miss the most
  49. i love tulips and filled my previous yard with as many as i could afford to plant. they didn't grow as well as i'd hoped but i was happy with those that did come up
  50. i love to eat out
  51. i notice the tiniest details and have very acute hearing
  52. i need quiet to recharge
  53. watching "Grey's Anatomy" is my guilty pleasure, even if i do criticize their OR techniques
  54. i love the moon and stars
  55. i love that Bode notices the moon, even when it is up during the day
  56. my mind is full of trivial facts and information. i rock at Trivial Pursuit
  57. i love red shoes and silly tights
  58. i dislike public speaking
  59. "Because i Have Been Given Much" and "Lord, I would Follow Thee" are my 2 favorite hymns. The verse in "Lord I would follow thee" that goes, "I would be my brother's keeper, I would learn the healer's art" is especially close to my heart as it was BYU's College of Nursing's hymn, too
  60. i don't have much of a singing voice
  61. i yell too much
  62. i used to be very Type A/perfectionist. Now i think i've done a complete 180...
  63. i tend to give people the benefit of the doubt
  64. i have a love/hate relationship with my TV
  65. i enjoy scrapbooking but have a hard time motivating myself to get started again (i'm 4 years behind)
  66. i am a good cook
  67. i dislike Thomas the Tank Engine videos. They are so negative and we don't need more of that in our house! We've replaced those with Bob the Builder...
  68. i've learned to go out of my way to introduce myself to people rather than wait for them to come to me
  69. i can laugh at myself
  70. i have a hard time turning my mind off
  71. i overanalyze things
  72. i'm learning to care less about what people think
  73. i was big into photography in high school. i could stand on the sidelines and observe but still be actively involved
  74. i still love people-watching. fascinating.
  75. i look best with short hair, no matter how many times i try it out long
  76. i have big, skinny feet. after 2 children i am no longer a size 11. i am now a size 12 AA. Oh dear
  77. i worry about things that are out of my control
  78. i feel lucky and blessed to stay at home with my children, but some days i threaten to go BACK TO WORK FULL-TIME!!!
  79. i already miss Spring and Fall on the east coast
  80. i already love Colorado summers
  81. i like when people feel comfortable enough in my house to kick back on the couch or help themselves in my fridge/pantry
  82. it takes me awhile to warm up in larger groups
  83. people often think i'm a snob because of the above
  84. i tend to have a few close friends as opposed to many acquaintances
  85. i am somewhat claustrophobic
  86. i don't do well on swings or things with funky movements (i found these things out at a recent trip to the playground)
  87. i love to rollerblade, cycle and hike
  88. i really want to start snowshoeing
  89. i talk in my sleep, especially when i'm stressed
  90. i almost always fall asleep when we watch a movie at home
  91. i once wanted to name my children "Dakota Sioux" and "McKenzie Cree" (see #2)
  92. i wanted to give my children Danish names (my dad's side of the family is Danish). so Boden is Danish. i couldn't find another Danish boy name i liked so Keegen is Irish ("little fiery one" which i think will be quite appropriate)
  93. i've tried to learn to speak Spanish a number of times and ways and apparently i'm just really not as interested as i'd like to think as i still have yet to learn it (i took 4 years of French in high school, including AP, and can't speak it a lick)
  94. i love love love the artist Graciela Rodo Boulanger and have many of her pictures hanging in my home http://www.gallerydirectart.com/bej-942.html
  95. i have a black thumb thus killing any and all houseplants that enter my home (i haven't had any since i had children)
  96. i laugh when people have accidents--inappropriately and nervously--i.e. when doug has slipped and fallen i laugh first and ask if he's ok later
  97. i'm a recovering ebay and craigslist addict, now that i have a healthy internet addiction (blogging)
  98. i am Bode's favorite for bedtime stories
  99. i took it upon myself to teach everyone in the DC area how to drive (tailgaters especially)
  100. Doug says i'm mechanically challenged i.e. assembling things. i informed him i'm just lazy.

So, there you have it. Not as hard as i thought it would be. I thought of things all day and scurried to write them down on scraps of paper, while driving in the car, before the thought was lost forever. I've enjoyed reading yours...who's next?


Cami said...

Great list! You thought of good interesting ones. I just sat down and did it until it was done. I enjoyed reading it!

Jenni said...

I love your list!! I want a "wicked fast metabolism" too :)! So fun to read!

Corinne said...

I like you so much Ashlee. You are such a interesting person with such varied interests. I wish we lived closer!!