Happy Eyes

“Happy the eyes that can close.” --from Cry the Beloved Country

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Click to play Christmas+2007

We had a super Christmas. It comes and goes so quickly! We spent Christmas Eve decorating cookies with friends and then enjoyed a family dinner of Chinese takeout. Yum! Bode was certain he DID NOT LIKE Chinese food but changed his mind after one bite (orange chicken and moo shu chicken). The boys opened their Christmas jammies and then very excitedly sprinkled the magic reindeer food on the lawn, luring Rudolph and his pals just in case they needed extra motivation to make it to our house! We read Olivia's Christmas and The Night Before Christmas for our bedtime stories and then put little boys to bed so Santa could visit.

Christmas morning was a hoot. I thankfully did not get called into work and got to see Bode come down the stairs and take in the Christmas bounty. Oh he was excited by how full his stocking was stuffed and by the Geotrax train set Santa left. I woke Keegen up after awhile (he was tired after crying/talking all night. Too wound up for Christmas like his dad??). Bode and Keegen and Doug played with that train all the live long day. Love it. The boys enjoyed literally every gift they opened and took time to play with them all. Many gifts were greeted with, "Oh. It's beeauutiful!" There was much dancing with the truck music. And they were thrilled by Grandpa Bill and Grandma Di's bounce castle and Grandpa Mark and Grandma Alicia's tent and tunnels! We have decided we have the coolest basement around. We also enjoyed delicious eggs Benedict (or "Fenafeh" as Bode pronounces it) and orange julius.

That evening Kristen and Matt came over for fondue and fun. The kids played and we chowed, exchanged gifts and had a really lovely evening.

As Bode and Keegen get older, the more fun our Christmases get. Doug was wondering out loud which is more fun?--being a kid anticipating Christmas morning or being the parent watching your kids' excitement. I didn't have an answer for him except to say that both are pretty great options in this whole circle of life thing!

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Bode Shakes His Booty

My sister's family Christmas gift to Bode was the new Cranium game where you pack a toy truck before the music and timer goes off and pops everything you've packed back out. It says for ages 6+. So her note to me on the back of that gift was basically, "Don't kill me. I had to get this for him. Hopefully he can find his own way to play with it in the mean time..."

Well, he's certainly found his own way to play with it!...

P.S. Please excuse the Michael Jackson move!

Sunday, December 23, 2007


I've posted a few times about the problems we've had with our neighbors. It hasn't been a pleasant 17 months since things got ugly. We've been mistreated and wronged by them. Over these months I've had to train myself to "think happy thoughts" literally because of my mind-wanderings and ruminations full of anger and hate toward them. After a long time I was finally able to sort of put my mind to rest and not waste so much energy on them. There was a time that as soon as I got into my car to drive home, I would think of them. I would send evil thoughts toward him whenever i saw him in his backyard. Many times I've actively ignored them when I've been outside. Yucky situation to say the least. I've hated it all. And many times, over these months, I've thought I should just go over and say how ridiculous all of this is and let's just forget about it. I thought about bringing them our Christmas bread and CD. But then I'd think of all the rude things that have happened or been said or whatever. My flawed human nature would kick in and I decided i was just going to leave things the way they were. Even though it was totally affecting me in a very negative way, I decided to leave it alone.

Then the Winds of Oz came through (seriously, I heard they were 72 MPH winds the other night!). Our trampoline careened into their yard. When Doug went back over to leave our note, he saw that "M" (i've always referred to him as Jackass, but i guess i'll call him "M" here) was in his backyard working on the trampoline. So he and Doug worked on the trampoline in the bitter -12 degrees with the crazy winds to insure that it wouldn't continue on its path of destruction that night. Doug said M was surprisingly civil and cool about it and very helpful and concerned about salvaging the trampoline. Doug finished disassembling it yesterday and got it back into our yard.

So today, I made another batch of chocolate chip pumpkin bread, wrapped a bow around it and wrote a note on the back of our Christmas picture. Grabbed the boys and brought it over to them tonight. His wife, "A" invited us in. I really really really did not want to go in. I simply wanted to say thank you for your help and Merry Christmas. But we went in, shared a few laughs about the trampoline, hands were shaken and home we went.

Will they be close friends as so many other neighbors we've been blessed to know have become? Highly doubtful. But I am relieved. A weight has been lifted. And I am so grateful.

Friday, December 21, 2007

When Trampolines Fly

So, Doug and I are hunkered down for the night. Happy that there will be no more work until after Christmas. Enjoying some pistachios and clementines. Flipping between "A Christmas Carol" and some Discovery Channel thing on squids. The boys are nestled soundly in their beds. It is a wild storm outside, but nothing too out-of-the-ordinary for the highland plains of Colorado.

Suddenly I hear this crazy noise and a crack and a crash. I hear Doug say, "Oh. My. Gosh. The trampoline is in the neighbors' yard." The fence is broken and the trampoline is upside-down almost on their patio.

This is no lightweight trampoline. This is super-heavy-duty and BIG. Doug buried part of it in the dirt and still it had lift-off.

Last year we lost our glasstop patio table to the wind and the fence.

We bundle up and go out to talk to them (it's almost 10PM) but no answer. So i write a note stating we're aware of the trampoline situation, we'll fix it and we're sorry. Stuff it in a ziploc baggie and put it on their door.

Is there some sort of earth-force trying to get us to talk to these neighbors?

And why couldn't it have been their shed that blew away?

And, no. We will not be replacing the trampoline until we move to the west-side away from the awful wind.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Decking the Gutters

Doug actually got the lights on the house a couple of weeks ago. Which was quickly followed by a lot of snow and ice before he was able to connect the extension cords and give the lights some power. So this weekend he got those up and running and i finished my apple fan a la Colonial Williamsburg! Doug kindly cut out the wood, spray painted it and slammed some nails in them for me to skewer the fruit. We're really happy with it. Fun to have something a little different (we aren't the giant inflatable snowglobe-types. i know, TOTALLY BORING but hey). I didn't think to measure where i wanted it to be hung after i'd put the leaves on it, so it's hanging too high. But no worries. That pineapple is sure to rot any day and we'll be up there to replace it and lower the fan. Merry Christmas!

Who Can It Be Now? (Doug's Post)

Yesterday, Bode and I were playing balloon soccer in the basement. Apparently, I wasn't fun enough because 10 minutes into playing Bode informed me that we would "Now begin pretending that my best friend Z and his sister L are here playing with us". After getting over being offended that I wasn't meeting expectations that imaginary friends could, we spent the next hour playing games with Bode's pretend friends. I had to "help" Z kick the balloon ball, was chastised multiple times for getting in Z and L's way and when we were wrestling, each time I would tackle, toss or tickle Bode I would be informed "here comes Z Daddy" and would have to mime the same motions with his imaginary friend. It is much more work playing with imaginary friends then I thought it would be (but I was very good at it).

Then Bode and "Z" went up to go pee pee in the toilet. A few minutes later Bode came down and informed me that he had peed and washed his hands, that "Z" had peed but hadn't washed his hands yet (I could hear the water running up there). So for the next 3 minutes and 20 gallons of water, I had to convince Bode that Zeke needed some help turning the water off (he told me time and time again that Z would turn the water off when he was done).

Finally, dinner time and we had to pull an empty chair right up next to Bode for Z to sit in. Bode wasn't eating much so I had to tell him that Z had almost finished eating all his dinner and that he better hurry to catch up. Bode asked Ashlee to cut up his Pear for him, which she did and then he asked her to cut up Z's pear. Ashlee half-heartedly waived her spoon in the direction of the empty chair and continued to eat her dinner. Bode paused, looked at her and said "Mommy, did you cut up Z's pear? Are you sure? Because you just went like this (as Bode limp-wristed, half-waived his fork in the air)." I just fell apart laughing. Ashlee felt like she was going the extra mile by making any conciliatory move in Z's direction, but Bode called her out and let her know that she needs to sell it better than that.

As we got ready to go read books for bed time I overheard Ashlee ask Bode "It is almost bed time, don't you think that Z should go home now and sleep in his bed?". To which you could almost hear Bode rolling his eyes as he responded "Mommy, NO Z's have come to our house, DUH" (the DUH was implied and has been added here for emphasis and to convey the eye rolling).

It is sometimes hard to win in the Bode-Imaginary-Kingdom.

P.S. - Z was back with us right after breakfast this morning (good luck today Ashlee). :0)

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Christmas Letter 2007

Ring Out Wild Bells 2007

We hope this little update reaches you healthy and well. Let’s see what hopefully interesting and mostly random things there are to mention this year...
Keegen (20 months) has certainly grown into his own little self this year. He’s very certain of what he wants and when and how he wants it and if we can’t quite follow or understand his demands, er, requests, it is most certainly our problem! I have no doubt that one day in the very near future I will find him swinging from the chandelier in our 2-story foyer as he is into everything and climbs anything he can find. He’s already had his first ER visit, walking away with seven stitches to his forehead. He talks a lot. Were this our first child, we might think that was really neat, but we know now that this just means we will soon have (yet another) incessant talker on our hands. Favorite phrases of late are: “CLIMB! CLIMB!” “’scuse me, Mommy” “Come on, Bode!” and “TACKLE!” Happily, he does slow down at times and is still a fantastic snuggler.

Bode (3 ½) is taking all of this big brother stuff in stride and enjoys showing Keegen the ropes and for the most part enjoys having a playmate around. He’s in the very fun stage of preschoolhood where he’s loving learning and absorbs so much (meaning I [Ashlee] have to be careful with my potty mouth…). He’s incredibly inquisitive and already asks questions that we can’t answer to his satisfaction, such as, “Why is Lydia a girl and I’m a boy?” “Why is the moon up when the sun is up too?” “Why can’t I got to Noni’s house everyday?’ “Why is Mommy a nurse, Daddy, and you are not?” (disappointed in Doug’s job description). I recently learned of a story he’s concocted and shared with friends that “our old house was knocked down by a wrecking ball so that’s why we moved to our new house.” He’s got mad trampoline/jumping and tricycle pedaling skills. When he slows down, he loves to sit and read with us and is enjoying chapter books (which are a nice change of pace from, “The cow says MOOO, the sheep says BAAA..”).

I (Ashlee) am working hard to stay sane with all of the energy and testosterone in my household. I do all of the things moms do and just recently started cleaning my house again after a long hiatus. No, we didn’t have a housekeeper. I just recently realized that I am the mom, the adult, the responsible one, and that no one else was going to do it (in all fairness, Doug was doing his share). I’ve made my own environmentally-friendly cleaners that make me oh-so-happy and the kids share in the cleaning too without me having to fear that they will sprout a third eye or some other toxic result. I started working part-time (two-days a week) last February in outpatient surgery and love it. It’s a great balance for me between stay-at-home mom and nurse (meaning I don’t yell at my kids quite as much!).

Doug is thriving in Colorado. He was recently promoted which has meant longer hours but since we were really spoiled before I shouldn’t complain. He loves his job and enjoys his co-workers. He recently tried snowboarding when there wasn’t enough snow for the black runs to be open (therefore lacking challenge…) After an unfortunate accident involving a novice 13-year old boarder who slammed into him and knocked out six of his bottom teeth (the kid’s teeth), Doug plans to stick to skiing in the future.

This is one of my favorite times of the year—the music, lights, baking, decorations and traditions. We are blessed to have you as our friends and family and we hope you are enjoying the best this Season has to offer.


Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Village People

You know the saying, "It takes a village" when it comes to raising children? I believe there is a lot of truth in the adage. I like to know that I have others looking out for me and my children. Friends and neighbors who will help teach them things. Other adults who my children can feel comfortable going to when i'm not available.

Not only these things, but a mom needs a village. She needs friends and neighbors who are available to her when she needs help or a shoulder or time away or whatever it may be. Motherhood can be really isolating. I've been very lucky to have friends and family who help me and keep me from isolating myself as I have a tendency to do so. I've never minded my own company but sometimes it can be too much of a good thing.

I need to expand my village.

It was ever-so-hard moving here when i was 7 months pregnant and almost instantly put on bedrest. I had NO ONE except for Doug and thankfully family flew in. Within about 6 months, I'd gained a nice, comfy little village of friends from the neighborhood and church and preschool. I had people to call when i needed someone to watch one kid or the other. I had girls to hang out with and friends to talk about frustrations and joys and everything in-between.

This summer three of my village people moved far far away and two returned to work full-time. After only a year (or less with two) of time together, they left me!! Aaaack! I was bummed, and have missed them individually. But it didn't really hit me until today how i miss them collectively. That village of friends who will take a child or two last minute so i can run to a doctor's appointment. That village who will come spur of the moment for Sunday dinner. That village who will hang out in my filthy house and talk while our kids run wild. This is not to say i have no one. I have some great friends here still. The pool has just decreased significantly. Today's issue was Bode's preschool holiday party. It was from 10:45-11:30 and we were asked NOT to bring siblings. Two friends were sick. Neighbors all at work. Others who could help were 30 minutes away (including both of my visiting teachers). I called a couple other neighbors and one couldn't and the other wasn't home.

This isn't meant to be a whine-fest. I am realizing i need to, once again, put myself out there. I can improve this situation. I just need to make an effort again. And i get a little bit exhausted just thinking about it.

I know my sister has an awesome village. And you gals in Maryland really take care of each other. I have some core people here who take great care of me, too. So continue to support and care and grow your villages. So many moms out there need you!

Saturday, December 8, 2007

P is for Potty (but apparently NOT for Poop)

Oh, how I have waited to post about this because in the past, as soon as i have, i completely JINX myself. However, it's going on, I dunno, two weeks? So. BODE IS USING THE POTTY!!!! He is potty-trained when it comes to peeing. Pooping is another story, but i won't dwell on that. I will hope that in the near future he will stop running and hiding behind a couch or in the den and will instead opt for the privacy of a bathroom to do his business. I am seriously thrilled by his progress and so is he, which is really fun to see. He runs and goes on his own or if we ask him to go, he'll go without complaint. As I tell him multiple times a day, he totally rocks!

Potty-training really does suck and i was incredibly discouraged with it. Now that things have turned around, it's amazing how much happier we all are. Sweet relief.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Fa La La La La Ta Da!

Finally. I got Doug's stocking back from the finisher. If anybody has the know-how and desire to finish stockings and other needlework projects here in the Colorado Springs area, you should go for it. You'd be a rich woman in a hurry. I had to pay more than twice as much as i paid in the DC area to have Bode's finished! But she did a beautiful job. Made Bode's look kind of small and sad...Anyway, i'm so happy with it! Here are pictures of the boys' stockings and our mantel and tree (click to enlarge the mantel pic so you can more fully appreciate the stockings and ooh and aaaah and all that good stuff! ;) ).

Monday, December 3, 2007

Bell Boys Boogie

My aunt sent this--which sent me into hysterics and tears of laughter. Enjoy!