Happy Eyes

“Happy the eyes that can close.” --from Cry the Beloved Country

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Maggie Moose

I have a weekly date, of sorts, with my boys. Not that just about everything I do isn't already about them or for them, but this one is a set-in-stone, gotta-do kind of date. We head to the library for storytime first. The children's specialist there is fabulous. Great fun with many different stories read, rhymes said, and silly dancing at the end ("milkshake, milkshake, shake it up, shake it up, milkshake, milkshake, shake it all up!" forever in my head). When we moved here in February, storytime was the first thing we did. We arrived on a Wednesday and the next day we were there. Bode HATED it. As he hated most things involving new places and faces. He wanted nothing to do with it. So I let him sit a ways off and play with the beadwires they had on a table. I would slowly move him closer to the group with the beadwire because I could see he was watching and paying attention to what was going on. But I would still get a firm "No" in response when I asked if he wanted to join in. Eventually, we stopped going. Blame whatever you want--new baby, tired mom, mom tired of taking child to things he doesn't want to participate in, guests in town; etc., etc. I decided to start going again about 2 months ago. Our first time there I was surprised by Bode's transformation. He was so excited, found a cushion to sit on, totally participated (hands clapping and all) and had a great time. He went right up to Ms. C. afterwards and said "thank you." What a thrill! So, storytime has become part of our weekly schedule. I added a sweet treat to follow, that being a stop at Maggie Moo's for ice cream. I think we've spoiled Bode forever in the ice cream department. It is just too good to be true. He has to have a "taste" of the cotton candy flavor (it's electric blue which totally grosses me out so i won't get him a cup of it). Then he gets a cup of Better Batter with "lemmalems" mixed in (that would be M&M's). I get the Chocolate Better Batter (divine) with peanut butter cups. And Keegen, well, poor kid, sits in his seat and watches every bite.

So at the library people hear a very excited 2-year old proclaim, "Let's go to Maggie Moose!!" Yes, it's only 10:30 in the morning, but let's go!

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Traffic Jam

So I'm driving along, going "into town" as they say. And I notice the cars in front of me slowing down and jamming up, some pulling over to the shoulder. Then I realized the cause. COWS! We are surrounded by cattle ranches and horse farms. About 4 cows had somehow gotten onto the road, even though the grazeland is bordered by barbed fencing. I had to smile as I slowed to a stop. Certainly didn't witness something like this in the DC area. This is my kind of traffic jam. A man was on the shoulder corralling the cows to safety and off I went on my way.

I've had to wonder how I decided to live in a more rural area. I constantly remind myself of the reasons why we chose to live 15-20 minutes out of the city (i.e. better schools, more home for the money, a slick commute for Doug, and it just felt RIGHT when we checked the area out). I need to enjoy the cattle and wild antelope and horses while I can because it won't be too long before this area is as built up as the Springs. Before we moved here I hadn't seen a real cowboy (in Wranglers, hat, chaps and even spurs) at a Safeway store, only at the rodeo. For now this area is somewhat quiet and quaint. I do miss the easy amenities of the city--libraries, great big parks, spin classes, doctors/dentists in close range, Chipotle. So for now, we do a lot of driving and try to enjoy the best of both worlds. I just need to, what's the saying?, bloom where I'm planted, right?

Friday, November 10, 2006


I've always considered Bode to be my reserved child. I don't call him shy, because he's not. He's absolutely social, loves and wants to play with other children. But he's definitely slow-to-warm. I watch him as he takes in a new situation and he simply takes his time deciding to jump in (much like his mother). In a way, I like it. I like that he sizes things or people up and doesn't just jump into anyone's arms. I like to picture the little cogs in his brain moving along, noticing details and taking notes. At times though, this behavior is difficult. He is often slow to transition from one thing to the next and is inflexible. Things like preschool and church nursery are positively overwhelming to him, the chaos and all (I actually don't blame him regarding nursery. I wouldn't like it either!). He usually won't talk to people, even people he knows. No hello, no goodbye. If someone addresses him, he looks at them almost to say, "I'm sorry. Did I speak to you first??" A friend of mine says she thinks Bode's going to be one of those kids who is just "too cool" for you (which I appreciated hearing as I had never thought of it in a more positive or humorous way)...It's gotten to the point, though, that we've started working on changing some of his behaviors before they are set in stone.

I'm already seeing progress in just these two short weeks. He said, "Thanks! Goodbye!" today to T. at OT without being coaxed or prompted. This was after a long car ride full of "I don't want to go. Let's go that way!" And at the park, another little boy, probably 3+ years old, came up to Bode. BODE said, "What's your name?" The little boy answered and said, "What's your name" back. And Bode answered, "Bode!" And off they went to play on the slides over and over again. I almost did a little cheer right then and there. He certainly talks to and plays with other children at the playground, but that was the best exchange and interaction I have ever witnessed. I am so encouraged and hope to see these improvements carry over to other areas, like a better preschool experience, too.

Thursday, November 9, 2006

A New Kind of Nursing

I think i'm ready to get back in the game again. The working as a nurse game, that is. Keegen doesn't need me quite as much as he used to (which was 24/7). He's eating solids and not nursing as often. It's been a year since i've worked and I feel rusty. I need to get going again before it's been so long that I'm too scared to go back. I do have mixed feelings. I really am grateful that I can stay home with the kids. I do recall though that when I have worked in the past I came home with a better perspective. It helped me appreciate being home and being a mom and all of that. It could be a nice change of pace, an opportunity to have adult conversations and be appreciated by outsiders. I also remember, though, dreading going into work but then being just fine once i got there. I am only looking to work weekends and occasional evenings. That way, for the most part, Doug can be home with the boys and childcare shouldn't be an issue.

I'm hoping that by going through an agency I'll be able to figure out what area I want to work in and where. The hospitals here don't interest me at all. I'm not interested in going back to labor and delivery. High-risk antepartum would be OK. Same day surgery would be perfect but
that's typically a M-F day shift gig.

So it was a very different kind of "interview." It was mostly a "what do you want to do, when are you available" kind of conversation. It was memorable, too, in that it was my first interview that the interviewer had her radio on. Shakira's "These Hips Don't Lie" was shakin' the boombox. Ooooh ya! I think the rest of the business world should consider using that in their interviewing process, too.

I'm nervous but excited to start this new phase!

Wednesday, November 8, 2006

Amen to That

Nightly prayer with Bode has been an interesting thing. When we first started, he would repeat what we said. Other times he wouldn't want to say it "No! Mommy say it!" Then there has been the very fast rambling prayers a la Bode--"bless Daddy, Mommy, Keegen, Bode, Mr. Snake (that's another story), Grandma Di, Keegen, Mommy, Daddy..." Just the past few nights, Bode has started "uh huh'ing." He starts the prayer with the rambling blessings. Then what I add goes something like this:

Me: Thank you for this day.
Bode: Uh huh.
Me: Thank you for our blessings.
Bode: Uh huh.
Me: Thank you for Jesus.
Bode: Uh huh.
Me: Pray to sleep well.
Bode: Uh huh.
Me: In the name of Jesus Christ...
Bode: AMEN!!!