Happy Eyes

“Happy the eyes that can close.” --from Cry the Beloved Country

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Easter Sunday

I actually had a very nice day at church. Bode was SO well-behaved in Sacrament Meeting (shocking). He sat and colored for the most part. Keegen had a hard time (naptime) but still was great. This means I was able to listen to some of the talks that were given which was a wonderful thing. The talks were really good and the choir sang beautifully.

Off to Primary opening exercises and, man, it was obvious most of the kids had eaten nothing but M&Ms and Peeps for breakfast. Once again, the other CTR teacher didn't show up so I was left to corral the 13 kids that were there. Why must parents send their kids to Primary with distractions? (i.e. pocket games, candy, gum; etc.). At one point I peeled chewed gum off of one girl's finger only to have her neighbor give her another piece before I could get it. I had the Primary prez take one kid out who just couldn't behave (very defiant--not in my class thankfully). So, that wasn't really fun and I probably looked like a nazi, but I was just so tired of it today.

Thankfully, they didn't ask me to take the other half of the CTRs so I took my seven to class and it was, for the most part, a relatively lovely class. Helps when I'm prepared, eh? We talked about the Easter story with a rebus (that's what it's called in the Friend magazine--I hadn't heard of that word before). We sat in a close circle on the floor and read it together and then I had a matching (memory) game for each of them with pictures of what we'd just talked about in the Easter story (angels, Jesus, stone, tomb, disciples; etc.). That kept them busy. At the end I took them to the kitchen where they got to do an Easter egg hunt. The kids really participated well and behaved. It feels good to have a successful class as opposed to chaos and/or disorder.

Now we're home. Keegen is passed out, Bode is playing somewhat quietly. We ate a nice dinner of au gratin potatoes, broccoli casserole and Honey Baked Turkey. This afternoon we'll get together with friends for an indoor egg hunt since it's 26 degrees and snowy out...This is the first Easter I can remember with snow. Not of fan of it, but, deal with it, right? I missed my family and the traditional brunch at RTJ, but,...I think it snowed there too. Brrrrr! No cute Easter skirt and sandals for me this year! Maybe on Mother's Day?


Corinne said...

No sandals for us either. Sheely was in her darling sailor dress and thick tights and heavy shoes. Sad.

Hey, I substituted for Xavier's class yeserday and taught the Easter lesson too! I also did the memory game with the kids and it was super fun. I like your rebus. I'm going to print it out for future use :)

Cami said...

I went ahead and wore the sandals, and I was frozed. I love the kids Easter outfits! I want that shirt. I love brown and blue.

Jenni said...

Yeah, what's up with sweater and jacket weather on Easter!! :) Love the pic - how sweet your boys look together!!