Happy Eyes

“Happy the eyes that can close.” --from Cry the Beloved Country

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

I Heart Costco

Today began as a very dreary, gray, cold, wet day. Oh, and let's not forget windy. My dear visiting teachers came by this morning and we chatted for about an hour and a half. Then the boys were completely stir-crazy. The great outdoors did not appeal. Sooooo, i threw them in the van and off we went to Costco.

How I love Costco. How I've missed Costco. The closest Costco to me is in Lone Tree, just south of Denver. Takes an hour to get there. And oh so totally worth it. Sam's Club is 20 minutes away. But I'll take Costco anyday! (Hey! That rhymes! Maybe this should be an "Ode to Costco!")

Keegen fell asleep on the way and Bode was thrilled to be going on a "road trip" so he could watch a movie on the van's DVD player. That's our rule--must be a road trip for in-van-movies. I got to hear "Cars" play the entire way ("Ka-chow!!") because I was too lazy to get the headphones working for him and didn't want to have to troubleshoot for him if there was a problem "in-flight." I had a nice chat with my mom and enjoyed the scenery as we flew on I-25. Love the 75 MPH speed limits. Out of my way!!

Pulling into Costco is like coming home for me! It's the same basic layout at every one. Very comfortable. I got the boys in the cart--big enough to fit both kids which is fantastic. Except that gives Bode easy-access to head-bonking Keegen. One day, Keegen will fight back and I will have to stifle my laughter and look the other way!

I love walking through the aisles at Costco (so clean, so well-lit, so full of stuff I want but maybe don't always need). This Costco has a great selection of organic items, so that's always fun. Love it when something is natural, non-hydrogenated, non-high-fructosed, tasty and affordable. We hit the samples with a vengeance. Something I rarely do, but everything was so good. Lentil soup that Keegen wanted more of, wild salmon (that Keegen wanted more of), and on and on. Nice little meal. Ooooh, they even had chocolate covered popcorn samples. It didn't really excite me when i saw it but it was SO good. Had it not been $10, I would have splurged. But I resisted. Anyway, I know, I'm a geek. i'll spare you the list of items I purchased, but i'll just say we had a fantastic dinner of grilled marinated wild salmon, delicious organic mixed vegetables over wheat pasta. Yum. Yes, I actually made dinner. That's the thing about Costco, too. It makes me want to make good dinners again. And it makes me want to eat healthy again. Doug said in response to that that I "should go every week." He probably wouldn't say that if he knew the bill was over $300 today...And worth every penny!!


Corinne said...

I've never shopped Costco - everyone who goes there seems to love it though!

Cami said...

Costco is definitely the best--but BJs is just so close! As soon as the one is Columbia is built . . . You have described my feelings about Target vs. Walmart here. For some reason, some companies can follow through with an idea so so much better.

Jenni said...

Yay for Costco!!! I love it too! We do sample lunches there all the time!! :)

erin said...

as a costco outcast and BJs shopper (where you have to shower as you leave!), i am jealous of your experience! if only costco would bring the pampers back!!!