Happy Eyes

“Happy the eyes that can close.” --from Cry the Beloved Country

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Scooter Skills

Bode is picking up on a lot of things being at a sitter's house two days a week. And thankfully, I think most of it is positive. My sitter has two older kids home for summer (10 & 12), so when Bode starts asking "where his Gameboy is?" i can only assume he's watching Josh's Gameboy closely. The other day when I picked the boys up, he wanted to show me his "scooter" which was a skateboard he and Zeke would scooch on. He's been talking non-stop about needing a scooter. Sooooooooooo, being the indulgent parents we are, we went and got him one today.

I'd considered getting him one awhile ago but wasn't sure he'd get into it. I wanted one of these. But then I decided against it. So with him constantly asking for one, we looked around for a cheaper alternative and found this one, which I think is perfect. I wasn't sold on the two wheels in the back (I think he'd figure out how to balance it pretty fast with just one) but we took him out tonight for a walk around the block and he LOVES it. He's figured out how to use it quickly and I think before I know it he'll be totally cruising on it!

We took these pictures when we were all but done with the walk and he was pooped so he doesn't look terribly enthusiastic, but he really did have a great time. He was even excited to show our neighbors Tamara and Blue, which is a big deal as he's just starting to get more comfortable around them.


erin said...

we JUST got fiona one, too!!! COME PLAY!!!!!!!

erin said...

by the way-- you done reading "mouse soup" yet?? i can help you, if not! ;)

Jenni said...

How fun!! I just showed the pics of Bode to Ben and he said "Oh, a SCOOTER!!"! He was thoroughly impressed!! :)

Corinne said...

That's the same way Xavey has! I love it!

Cami said...

Ah, I love the scooters. It took my boys a while, but they are good at it now.