Happy Eyes

“Happy the eyes that can close.” --from Cry the Beloved Country

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Breakfast at Ash-a-lee's

Today was the "It's My Birthday Week All Week" grand finale. Doug invited some of our friends over for a very tasty breakfast. I made a hashbrown casserole of sorts and put some fruit together. He manned the grill where he used our camping griddle to make pancakes and omelets (on the side burner). It was very fun. Fun to do breakfast as opposed to the usual dinner BBQ.

I miss my friends and family back in VA/MD but I'm so lucky to have good friends here now, too! Without actual blood-related family here, our friends are just that to us!

I wish I'd taken some pictures, but I was having too much fun talking and eating!...


Corinne said...

What a great idea! We LOVE breakfast food :)

erin said...

well, you know how i feel about friends being family... :) i'm glad you have some good ones where you are. we missed you here on your bday-- but sooo glad you had such a ridiculously long celebration (um... hear any jealousy there??!!). love you, old laday!