Happy Eyes

“Happy the eyes that can close.” --from Cry the Beloved Country

Friday, June 15, 2007

It's so ha-a-a-rd to say goodbye...


We've had to bid farewell to our dear friends, Sterling and Chris. Sterling is off to grad school at BYU. I really don't like being the one left behind. It's much easier being the one moving on...They were the first people we met here in Falcon. Sterling worked for our homebuilder. We met him on one of our walkthroughs and when I heard his name I knew he had to be LDS (and seriously, just look at the guy). He ended up being in our ward and very willingly helped us move the few things we had in the apartment we were in for 6 short weeks before the house was done. We met Chris while he was helping us and we all hit it off really well.

To thank them for their help moving us into our house, we had them over to dinner. Bode instantly LOVED Sterling. Bode was in a very slow-to-warm phase (that he's only recently somewhat come out of) and I was almost shocked at how easy Bode was around him (check him out on his lap in the above picture--he would not do that with anyone else!). We would see Sterling driving around the neighborhood in his truck for work and had almost daily chats that both Bode and I enjoyed. I was still pregnant with Keegen and just off bedrest, still didn't know anybody else and really appreciated friendly conversation. It's a sweet memory to me remembering how Bode would always point out Sterling's truck going by. It took him a LONG time to wave to him/it, but he was always happy to see him go by.

We've enjoyed lots of barbecues together, lunchdates, pedicures (me and Chris, that is). They've watched the kids for us. Sterling has helped with all sorts of house stuff. We've enjoyed celebrating the addition to their family, Brooklyn, with them. We're so lucky to be able to call them our friends and will miss them dearly.


Chris said...

Boys to men said it best! On our long journey to Utah, Sterling and I talked about what and who we would miss about CO. We will miss you guys so much, but we are so grateful for the close ties we made with the Bell Family. Like I said before, I wish you were my sister-in-law. I am so thankful to you Ashlee for really being a good friend to me and for always caring about what is going on in our life. I hope I can still call you to ask you about silly nurse questions, yummy recipes, occasional gossip (oops, sorry a bad, bad habit of mine), and all the other fun chit-chat. We are sitting here in the Park City Marriot and I keep thinking, Ashlee would love it here...I wish you could be here. Thanks for everything and thanks for the goodbye blog!!!!

ashlee said...

Ooooh, i'd be happy to be at the Park City Marriott with you guys!! I'd have to have my own room, though!;)

You know, I was thinking how I feel a very sisterly relationship towards you, Chris, and somehow that didn't make it into this post. I really enjoyed our many conversations and we'll just have to keep that up long distance! Hope you're having fun! When are we going to meet up for our annual Graham-Bell trip??

Corinne said...

Sad times. I hate friends leaving - I felt that way last week when the Fullwoods headed back to England. Being the one left behind is hard. Hopefully you'll keep in touch!!