Happy Eyes

“Happy the eyes that can close.” --from Cry the Beloved Country

Sunday, June 24, 2007

The "K" Word

So, I've heard Bode say a word over the past couple months that I've chosen to ignore in the hopes that it would go away. He would say it sort of just in passing and I would wonder if I'd heard him correctly. But recently he's started to use it in a more-correct, exclamatory way. "Dammit!" I would hear. Finally, I sat him down and told him that's not a nice word and to please not say it. I gave him a few alternatives. And yes, I did say, "I know I say it, but I shouldn't." Yes, he learned it from me. Just as he's learned "oh crap!..."

This weekend he was out in the yard helping Doug dig holes for some plants. As he walked near the holes, rocks in the beds kept falling into the holes, to which Bode exclaimed, "Kuhdammit!" Doug asked Bode what he said and he repeated, "Kuhdammit." (Duh, Dad, Dontcha know kuhdammit??). I guess he listened and stopped saying dammit...Secretly, Doug and I find it pretty amusing.

Thank goodness I'm no longer living in the DC area DRIVING and full of road rage as a lot worse than this profanity frequently slipped from my mouth. NO, I'm not proud. But before I became a mother I was certain my child's first word would be "jackass," as i commonly called my fellow drivers. So, ya, hopefully he'll drop the kuhdammit thing, but in the meantime i'm finding kuhdammit a funny alternative...(not that i'll tell him that any time soon).


Jared - Christina said...

THAT is so funny!! They are little parrots! Nothing like hearing your sweet little guy say, "Aahh, crap!" to make you stop and evaluate yourself! The "K" word is a pretty good alternative though! :)

Joni said...

I must confess that the "s" word just seems utterly necessary when I am driving and suddenly fear that I have made a near-fatal decision. I am trying to quit -- and I will be extra motivated if I hear Leah using it too!

(I'm secretly amused by Bode's creativity as well:)

Jenni said...

Hee hee! Very creative on Bode's part! Ben has taken to saying "what the crap" and yep that's from me. :)

Oh, and my sister was queen of the "s" word until my little 2 year old nephew SHOUTED it after she dropped her keys in a sacrament meeting!! After that she tried to cut back!:)

erin said...

well... you know i don't have much to contribute here, as a positive example.................... i often wonder what fiona's teachers hear her say? and who she blames it on!!

Cami said...

I'm totally using the K word. That's awesome.