Happy Eyes

“Happy the eyes that can close.” --from Cry the Beloved Country

Friday, June 22, 2007

Keegen 14 months

As of yesterday, you are:

  • walking more than crawling and it's so fun to watch how psyched you are about it

  • taking one nap

  • taking only one bottle (at bedtime)

  • very good at expressing yourself. Lots of grunts, pointing and yelling gets the point across. So much for sign language...

  • learning to fight back when other children (eh hem...) take stuff from you or try to roll you over. You managed to make one kid (eh hem...) CRY by sticking your finger in his eye when he came at you

  • really into books. Sorry it took so much longer to introduce them to you on a more regular basis!

  • rediscovering the bouncy seat (we had it out for Baby Brooklyn). The way you stand on it and bounce it so hard, I'm waiting for you to slingshot yourself out of it!
    You are such a joy!


erin said...

that picture of keegen in the bouncy seat is doug, 100 percent. holy!!!!!!

Kellie said...

I love these two pictures of Keegan! What a cutie.