Happy Eyes

“Happy the eyes that can close.” --from Cry the Beloved Country

Friday, January 16, 2009

Just Two Examples

I have many more examples, but these two are fresh.

Yesterday, i spent some time, here and there, messing with my iPod docking station. I'd taken it to church to play a ditty for the young women and it wasn't working at home. I'd stick the iPod in it and the remote didn't work. So i played with that. Figured out how to open the battery door. Which batteries it takes. But the iPod wouldn't play when i pushed the buttons on it. I checked the power cord into the docking station. And the power cord at a connection point closer to the outlet. Did some hmmmmmming. Then i realized. The CD player on the counter was plugged in. But the docking station was not. In my defense, the iPod screen turns on and shows it is playing because it's charged up and battery-powered (thus making me think it was getting power). But really. That's not a defense. That just makes me look more stupid.

Then. This morning. I woke up at 4AM. (I fell asleep at approximately 7:16PM last night. I was just going to "rest my eyes"). I remembered i needed to make muffins for Bode for school today. It's Pajama Day (love it! one less thing to do to get him ready) and his teacher is making muffins to go along with the hot cocoa they get to drink whilst they watch a movie. My kind of schooling. So i had to make a GF muffin. Decided to make his favorite pumpkin bread muffin-style. Got it done nicely, although it didn't look right. Figured i'd put a little too much tapioca starch in it, which doesn't make a big difference, so i went with it. Popped 12 muffins in the oven. Checked them at 10 minutes. Decided to put the rest of the dough in a pan and just make a loaf of bread. And realized. I hadn't put any sugar in the recipe. Now. This wouldn't be completely blog worthy, except for the fact that i've done this at least three times before. Most recently with some banana bread. What is my problem? So i dumped the 12 muffins back into the bowl and mixed in the sugar and i'm crossing my fingers that it will be edible. Not that Bode cares. He's eaten the sugar-free bread before without flinching. It has chocolate chips in it. Apparently that's all that really matters. But the sugar certainly doesn't hurt.


Cami said...

I did that EXACT thing with the ipod dock just the other day. I feel your pain.

Once I made bread without salt, like 3 times in a row. No good.

Adrian said...

I would never laugh at either of those because I do too many things like that all the time! Running the washer without laundry detergent, forgetting to rinse conditioner out of my hair and having to get back in the shower again after I've dried myself off... Goes on and on.:)

Brenda said...

Hey! I just wanted to say that I LOVED your post from the other day! It's so good to remember to do service makes you happy and grateful! It's so true, and it's good to be reminded.

Joni said...

I remember doing chocolate lava cakes and forgetting to put in two-thirds of the chocolate. I kept thinking, wow, this batter looks really low. I guess we're all just getting old!

Doug said...

As the dutiful husband, I waited to be sure that Ashlee was ready to laugh about this before I burst out laughing. It wasn't 2 weeks ago that I pulled that banana bread out of the oven and threw it in a bowl to help correct the missing sugar.

LOL, you just spend so much time thinking about others that you forget the sugar (wink).