Happy Eyes

“Happy the eyes that can close.” --from Cry the Beloved Country

Thursday, August 28, 2008


Keegen has had a tummyache lately. Not sure what the problem is. Hoping it will clear up soon. Because he really doesn't need a real reason to be whiney. Does well enough all on his own.

Oh ya, gratitude. Almost forgot. He had need of two serious diaper changes while we were out and about today. I reached for the diaper bag, which to my dismay WAS NOT THERE. My van was full of wipes. For some strange reason, we had wipes galore, stuffed here and there and everywhere. But not a single diaper.

And then i remembered. My van has this lovely little lazy susan thing in the floor. All hidden under the carpet. Easily forgotten. I try to keep it stocked with wipes, dipes and first aid stuff.

I popped that sucker open and was thrilled to find diapers for my little man.

And i'm oh so grateful that i recently updated his diaper size. I'd been carrying around size ONES forever and just put in some 5's. PHEW!! Crisis averted!


erin said...

for the first time in all my diapering years, i had to rush home from the library with a bare-bottomed kid in the backseat!!!! aaaaack!!!!! (we made it home safely, but seriously! that's never happened to me!)

Cami said...

What? I need one of THOSE vans!! Sheesh! I'm glad you found one. I usually have diapers floating around somewhere in my van.

stg said...

So funny. Your are oh so prepared!! I can't believe Emily is moving too!! That is so sad. I don't even know what to say either except I still feel bad for leaving you there. It's like every friend you make moves away. That is so sad.

We really like it in our new location, however, our ward has not been that friendly. I don't know what the deal is but, we're not that impressed. Hopefully this is just a stint brought on by my baditude. Making good friends is not that easy... and then to think they just move away!!!! Not fair.

stg said...

P.S. STG is just my code name. Sensitive Timid Girl

(Or something like that).
