Happy Eyes

“Happy the eyes that can close.” --from Cry the Beloved Country

Sunday, August 3, 2008

The First Cut is the Deepest

I love Keegen's hair. It's thin and spare and wispy and does its own natural faux-hawk of sorts. It's a bit wild and crazy and it really suits his personality.

But then i saw the first two pictures from our photo shoot with Jeri and realized he really needed a cut. It was hanging over his ears and too long in the back and just looked, well, silly. Sillier than just a faux-hawk, if you're with me.

So yesterday, while i got some much needed time to myself, Doug took the boys to get haircuts. Bode needed some sprucing up, too, since his first day of pre-K is TOMORROW! (yes, tomorrow. We're on a quasi-year-round schedule). And not to compare in any positive or negative manner, but in the past, getting Bode's haircut has been a major trial. Doug used to have to hold him tight against his chest while the barber worked as fast as she could to just get it done. Much wailing and gnashing of teeth, to say the least. It was a dreaded experience for all involved. However, he's come a long way and was a super example to Keegen this time around.

By Doug's account, Keegen did great. He sat in that big chair that just about swallowed him up with his arms gripping each armrest. I made it clear that i wanted the top pretty much left alone and to just have everything else cleaned up. I think he looks great!


Cami said...

I HATE HATE HATE haircut time. Besides the fact that I do it myself, it is just so hard to see it go. He looks great though!

erin said...

love the new 'do! tell bode we've been calling since sunday-- hope he's loving the first week of school.....!!!!!!!

Jared - Christina said...

Cute! Love the picture of them in the chairs. I've given up doing Eli's hair cuts. I'm just too slow!

Jenni said...

I love the spikiness on top!!! So cute!!