Happy Eyes

“Happy the eyes that can close.” --from Cry the Beloved Country

Friday, August 8, 2008

School Days

School started for Bode on Monday. He's in pre-K this year (i always thought pre-K meant 5 days a week, but it's only M-W-F). It's at the same preschool that he had his summer dinosaur camp and it's been a really smooth transition. Beautifully smooth. I'm thrilled about it. He has griped everyday about going to school ("i don't like this school" etc.). But once we are in the parking lot, he grabs his backpack and gets on in the classroom. He was obviously anxious on Monday and still did well with me leaving him. Weds and Fri he was awesome. Sat at a table where they have little activities until everyone arrives and they can start more organized stuff. Each day i pick him up, he is happy and has positive things to say about his day. Anyway. I'm psyched and i hope he has a fantastic year!


Cami said...

Wow! School already?? Crazy. I hope he likes it!

Jenni said...

Yay for Bode!! Sounds like he's doing so well! I still need to find a preschool out here for Ben - thanks for reminding me to get cracking!:)

erin said...

we love school!! looks like keegs is ready to start.... :)