Happy Eyes

“Happy the eyes that can close.” --from Cry the Beloved Country

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

A Pain in My Aspen Grove

We are headed to Aspen Grove tomorrow for the Bell Family Reunion (Doug's parents and siblings and their spouses/children). I've dreaded this (very expensive, too-much-like-church-youth-conference/girls camp/BYU) trip since it was planned a year ago. Oh, the laughter from my father's mouth when told that half the family will not have indoor plumbing for the week (we will, thankyouverymuch. Paid a mint for it). Simply, not my kind of thing, this whole "family camp" idea. I do like camping. In the Shenandoahs. In a tent. For the night. Or two. S'mores and foil dinners. A couple nice hikes. But nothing involving craft tents and silly competitions; etc. Yes, i'm a party-pooper. I've pushed it out to the far regions of my mind for as long as i could. And now, it's way beyond time for packing. The fact that i'm online blogging right now is evidence of serious procrastination.

But now that it is TOMORROW, i am looking forward to a change in scene again. We will visit Bode's long-lost-friend Zeke on Thursday. Friday is Doug's brother's graduation from BYU, so hi-ho-Provo we go! I'm hoping to hit the dinosaur museum at Thanksgiving Point while we're there too (i'd planned to drive the route to SLC that would take us to Dinosaur National Monument, but the main fossil wall is closed indefinitely! BUMMER!). It will be fun to see Doug's family. I can't wait for the cousins to get together. I think Bode will have a fun time in his camp group. I'm not so sure about Keegen. BUT, believe it or not, i WILL TRY to have a POSITIVE attitude! IT WILL BE GREAT! I WILL HAVE FUN! (i will be avoiding the family talent show and family dance like the plague). Seriously. Good times. Happy thoughts.

I hope to come back and tell you all what a BLAST we had...Seriously.


Joni said...

All the reasons you listed are EXACTLY why I dreaded going to Girls' Camp this year like the plague. I got to use a bathroom that all the youth used to wash their dishes. Can we say DISGUSTING?!? I came home and screamed YES YES YES IT'S DONE for like fifteen minutes. But it was still nice to be out of the house, doing something different. Even if that doesn't include the family talent show (snicker snicker!).

Cami said...

Deep breaths. You'll be ok. I think it sounds fun, as long as you DO avoid those things and any craft tent of any kind.

Jenni said...

Ha! Just your title had me laughing!! I sending good vibes your way and hope you end up having a really fun time!

Kellie said...

Oh Family reunions. Why do they have to follow some sort of formula? Why so much structure? I am reminded of the Baltimore Opera's slogan:

Opera...Better than you Think...It has to be.

Hopefully that's how the reunion will turn out due to your excellent positive mental attitude.

Mimi said...

I loved your commentary. I can understand about not be overly excited about the prospect but hopefully you'll have fun being together - your boys are sure to be entertained.