Happy Eyes

“Happy the eyes that can close.” --from Cry the Beloved Country

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

A Hard Day's Rant

So yesterday really kind of sucked. For the past week, Soren has become more and more alert. Awake. Interested in her surroundings. While this is fun to watch--her development and all--i was selfishly hoping for another week or two of sleepy baby. I don't have to feel guilty when she just wants to sleep and i can focus on the boys a little bit more. Because, the boys? Well, their lives kind of suck right now. Yes, i'm being dramatic, but it's really hard to keep them busy and happy when i'm trying to keep a newborn happy. They've been on fall break for a week and will be on it for another week. Because of my mom's health problems, she didn't come to town last week as originally planned. And they are just kind of told to figure out how to entertain themselves a lot. And while i don't think this is asking too much, it's asking too much to expect them to do so for a long time. They still need some structure.

Yesterday? She was up at 7 and would.not.sleep again. After being up with her most of the night, I had to hold her all day long. Nursed her what felt like nonstop. And i would try to say to myself, "This is your last baby. Enjoy this. Enjoy that you get to hold this little body. Enjoy that she needs you so much." She was only happy in my arms or in the baby wrap on my chest. The one time i put her in her bed hoping she'd stay asleep outside of the wrap, she woke up and cried so hard she actually threw up. And after awhile, the day just unraveled. And i'd had a PLAN for the day. We watched a halloween movie and ate popcorn. We went to the park. I had a make-a-treat plan with the boys. It should have been a great day. But after dealing with Baby Sis's fussing for hours on end? I got frustrated. The boys were bored and bickering. I yelled a lot. At the boys. Said some not-so-nice things. And i hate that. I hate that so often my frustration comes out on the boys. I've forgotten how to stop and take a breath. Or count to five. Or whatever. I just blow up. It's not fair to them.

And when i'm tired and frustrated like this, i can't stand anything. My house is filthy. My yard is a mess. I can't believe i can't simply take a shower. Why am i the only one who covers things in the microwave yet i'm also the only one who cleans out the inside of the microwave? Why can't the boys eat over their plates so i don't have as much crap falling on the floor? Why can't i get one thing done? Why do i have 6 bags in the hall--maternity clothes to return, maternity clothes to box up and give away, clothes Keegen has grown out of that need to go in the Goodwill box, a random bag of recycling, a bag of garbage, the bag of at least 250 new, clean diapers that will be given away since she's allergic to Swaddlers, Huggies, Luvs and Costco brand (and STILL has a raging diaper rash to prove it, even after a week of hypoallergenic 7th Generation brand); etc., etc. Why was the hall their last stop? Why couldn't i have continued into the garage or basement? Piles upon piles of laundry. And you know what? I lowered my expectations a long time ago. I'm not a neat-freak. I know things won't get done for awhile like they used to. But man. It bugged me yesterday when i just wanted to be able to have my hands free for a few minutes. And at 6:30PM? She fell asleep while nursing and i was able to put her in her crib and walk away for the first time that day. She slept till 11PM. I think she wore herself out along with the rest of us.

I'm hoping to have a better day today. We'll keep the TV on a little more (i really really hate leaving the boys in front of the TV, but decided last night i'd rather they watch too much TV right now than have more memories of Psycho Mommy). I'll say yes a little more (you want another candy bar? Suuuuuure). And hopefully i'll be able to remember to take a breath and think before i speak/yell/intervene/throw a tantrum; etc.

Good thing she's cute...
i also realize this is all typical newborn stuff, but a rant is needed every now and then


Jenni said...

I'm so sorry Ashlee. You are in those first weeks that I think we all block out in order to keep the species going.:) But I do remember that feeling of frustration not being able to put Nina down (she would only sleep in my or Adrian's arms as a newborn). Man she is cute though!! I love the brown and pink!:)

Mimi said...

I soooo understand. I have had the same conflict too many times.

Tami said...

Hahahahah! I could've written this myself! So GLAD to hear it's not just me. TV is now my best friend and our favorite babysitter. Twins are allowed to watch Sponge Bob (not Ellie and Camden though - I know that doesn't make sense). Fin's diet consists of crackers, grapes and cookies (and, of course, any fast food). Psycho mom? Get in line... Love ya! Beautiful babies, Ashlee...wish our kids could play.

Cami said...

Oh, I'm sorry. I have been having some days like this too, and remembering those early days. I hope you have lots of good days soon.

Jeri said...

I didn't get to say congratulations yet! She is absolutely beautiful! I love the name you chose for her.

Get a infant carrier or wrap or sling. (or all three)

Get a maid.

My maid comes once a week, and it has become a lifesaver for me. I just have too many balls in the air, and that is one I have tossed to someone else! Seriously look into it. Hang in there.

I just read about your Mom as well. I will keep her in my prayers.

erin said...

1-- i love anything with owls

2--i also love that brown sleeper with the retro circles on it

3-- i know we talked about this day already, but

4-- probably we are bipolar in some way... everything becomes a GLARING problem with me, too, when there isn't enough sleep and/or mommy time in the house. frustrating... and exhausting

5-- when i'm asked to sing JUST ONE MORE SONG or SLEEP WITH ME FOR JUST A TEENY TINY BIT, i also try to remember this phase won't last long.. and try to enjoy it-- it's not always easy to do.

6-- having one, much less three, kids is exhausting. you are doing SUCH a great job (even if you, like your sister, are bipolar!)

7-- (too bad we don't drink, eh?)

Joni said...

I remember those days Ashlee. It's like a wind sprint. It's fast and furious and doesn't last too long -- but you think you might die the whole time. How's that for cheerful! I remember thinking with Sara on some days, "What have I done?!" And now she's the cutest little thing. I'll be thinking of you!

Shannon said...

oh...she is so beautiful!!!