Happy Eyes

“Happy the eyes that can close.” --from Cry the Beloved Country

Thursday, February 5, 2009


I took the boys to the zoo today. It was an amazing 63 degrees here today! Woohoo!! I really try to make the most of the warm days we get during the winters, since the winters are so.dang.long. Anywho. It was lovely. Warm and not too crowded.

As we walked up to the meerkats on our way to the zebras, there was a youngish guy sweeping the area who was not a zoo employee. He struck up a conversation with me asking about the boys, how old they are, how far apart they are in age, commented that it's just the same as him and his brother "except we're 21 and 19." I made a comment as we were walking away like, "Well, enjoy this beautiful day" to which he responded, "Ya. My work for getting in trouble. Ya. Huh, huh. Don't drink and drive."

So Bode asks as we walk away what he's doing to which i just said, "He's doing service."

The end.


Jenni said...

What a great day yesterday was for the zoo! Fun!! At least that guy sounds like he was happily doing his community service.:) Hope he takes his own advice from now on!

erin said...

ahhh... sounds like he was desperate to talk to someone about it... (otherwise, why would he just spout it, you know?) poor thing. HE'D BETTER NEVER DO IT AGAIN!!!!