Happy Eyes

“Happy the eyes that can close.” --from Cry the Beloved Country

Monday, May 19, 2008

What I've Been Up To

I've been very preoccupied lately with the plans and programs Donna, the Brain Lady, set up for Bode. There is a lot to organize and gather to be ready to start. I've been to the fabric store buying bits of different textures (rough linen, fake fur, flannel, sequins; etc.) for the sensory program. I've been to Sam's Club to buy big foam squares to make our creeping/crawling track for the upstairs level. I've been gathering containers to put different scents/smells for the olfactory program and containers to make noises for the auditory program. Film canisters are my new best friends...

I've spent a lot of time online researching vitamin supplements and a gluten-free diet. I find the GF diet overwhelming, but i'm willing to give it a try. I really really like whole wheat/whole grains. If i can find a good bread recipe so he can still have sandwiches and a good pizza crust recipe, i'll be happy. But it's really expensive and is definitely a different way of looking at and preparing food. Luckily i have a wheat grinder and i've found some of the non-wheat grains in bulk at Whole Foods. I'm hoping to make it more affordable by grinding the grains myself. We could do the GF diet by buying mixes and prepackaged GF items, but man are they spendy.

I'll have to post soon about the outcome of his evaluation. I've kind of jumped ahead! Consider this a preview to that post...


GreenStyleMom said...

I can't wait to have dinner with you! I didn't know that GF was part of it. I have a GF peanut butter cookie that is pretty low in sugar that I've been working on. I'll pass the recipe on to you. Plus the community uses a really good GF pasta. There are tons of people who eat GF here, so if you need any recommendations, let me know.

ashlee said...

man, kristen! you are a resource for just about everything! Love it. YES! i want to know anything and everything these GF peops want to share. i think it will save me a lot of legwork. especially a good bread for sandwiches and pizza crust (non-prepackaged). see you soon!

Cami said...

Ok, so you'll have to tell me how the diet goes. I am personally not a big believer in it, but I know many people are. I never tried it because getting my kids to eat anything is such a chore as it is, and I just felt like I had enough to deal with.

That creepy crawly track sounds great! I want pictures.

Corinne said...

Wow - those sorts of diets scare me. I'll be watching :)

Jenni said...

I totally think you should post your GF recipes! It sounds like a different way of cooking and I'd love to learn more about it!

Shannon said...

This is pretty amazing, and it sounds like you have a lot of work ahead of you! If anyone can do it you can! You're incredible! Miss hanging out with you.

stg said...

Ashlee, you have a lot going on as usual. Really, I am so impressed by the measures you take to try to help Bode...What a lucky little guy. Good luck with it all.