Happy Eyes

“Happy the eyes that can close.” --from Cry the Beloved Country

Thursday, May 29, 2008


I was never very good at journaling, with a traditional journal, because i wrote such lengthy detail filled entries, would burn out a bit and stop writing just long enough to feel like i had too much to catch up on and so i'd just stop altogether. That's kind of how i'm feeling about the blog right now. There are so many things i'd like to post about. But i feel kind of bleh about it.

We had a nice week-long visit from Doug's parents last week. I've been experimenting with the gluten-free baking and making changes in our diets to add more "brain food." More animal proteins and watching how i combine foods. We mainly eat eggs, meats, veggies and fruits. Gluten-free grains every now and then and as treats. I'll have to post a few successes on the GF front (especially for you, Jenni!). And i've been busy trying to accomplish each of Bode's programs each day. We're basically doing hardcore occupational therapy in our home/on our own. So it's not always getting done completely. But i'm trying. And i'm already seeing such positive changes in Bode's behavior and attitude. He seems to be dealing better with his environment and i've noticed very few sensory issues lately. I'm not sure what gets the credit--GF diet? creeping and crawling? textures/sensation work? olfactory program? Regardless, it's gratifying to already see improvements.

Had a health scare this week. I had a slew of tests after a routine physical, including an abdominal ultrasound because my doctor heard a bruit in my stomach (a noise blood makes that you shouldn't be able to hear unless you have an aortic anuerysm. Lovely). No bruit (just skinny) but they found a suspicious nodule on my kidney and sent me for a CT scan. Being the optimist that i am, i was fairly certain it was cancer. I had the scan yesterday and, being the patient patient that i am, went to work in the afternoon, logged into my account and found the radiologist's report. From what i can tell it's essentially normal. So that's a relief. I'm still waiting to hear officially from my doctor, but i'm thinking i'm in the clear. What's with these suspicious growths lately?

My sister and her darling daughters just got here today for a weeklong visit and i'm SO happy to have them here. The kids adore each other (the first thing Fiona told me when i saw them at the airport was that she's going to marry Bode) and it's so nice to have Erin's company.

And tomorrow is my birthday! So Happy Birthday to Me!


Cami said...

First of all, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Next, I know how you feel about blogging. I have too much going on, so I don't feel like blogging about it at all. Lastly, that is the thing about that GF diet. People say it does great things, but it is always in conjunction with so many other things. Still, might as well try everything, right?

Mimi said...

It sounds like you have your hands full w/visitors, Bode's regimen, new cooking, and health scares. Hope you can enjoy the visit from your sister and kids.

Shannon said...

Happy Birthday Ashlee! I hope you had a great day!

Jenni said...

Happy happy birthday Ashlee (sorry this is a little late!!)!! Can't wait to see your great GF recipes! I'm sorry about the health scare - that must have been rough! Glad it sounds like it's all okay!

Ron & Reta's Blog said...

Little late, but Happy birthday! I was thinking about you since Alison Krause will be here in concert this week!

Jared - Christina said...

Ooops, Reta is really me, Christina. My in-laws are here and my m-i-l must have been signed in.