Happy Eyes

“Happy the eyes that can close.” --from Cry the Beloved Country

Sunday, January 13, 2008


Doug commented to me at midnight last night how funny he thinks it is that i get into these late night cleaning sprees. And stay up way too late. I was already up way to late the night/morning before on-call for work. And there i go making it worse getting going at 9PM on, not just cleaning, but cleaning out and organizing...

You know, when the kids are in bed and i can actually focus on tasks is at night. But i guess he has a point. I could start at 7PM instead. But at 7PM, i just want to cruise emails and blogs...Sorry i bit your head off when you made that comment, Babe. I know you were well-meaning! ;)


Brenda said...

I do the same thing. I don't think I have ever stayed up that late cleaning, but I can't stand to go to bed without the house mostly uncluttered at least!
And I totally understand about the free time that you have when your kids go to bed!! I wouldn't trade that time for anything. I get so much done! It is so much harder to do things when the kids are under foot.

Thanks for your feedback about the recycle stuff. That gave me some ideas. I think I will start looking for some kind of nice garbage can that will look good in my kitchen. If I can just find something I like it will just be like throwing out garbage right? Right now I just have a bag in my kitchen that I constantly have to take downstairs. Ahh! (:

Jenni said...

I do the same thing too! Right after they go to bed I just want to veg on the couch, but I always get a second wind around 10 or 11 - it drives my early to bed early to rise hubby crazy!:)

Cami said...

Yes, most of my cleaning of bathrooms usually happens between 10 and 12 p.m. or even later sometimes. Also putting away laundry! I guess that's the time it hits, eh?