Happy Eyes

“Happy the eyes that can close.” --from Cry the Beloved Country

Monday, November 26, 2007

News Flash (WARNING: Potty Post)

My sweet little boy recently informed me, when it came to my potty questions (i.e. "when are you going to start using the potty?") that he will do so "when i'm 4, Mama." What?! When you're 4? How did he come to this conclusion? So, I informed him that birthday #4 is right around the corner and that he needs some serious practice if he wants to be good and ready by then. Hmmm. Ya. Whatever Mom. Is basically what i got in return.

Well, yesterday, i told him (again. Lest we forget i spent the summer supposedly potty training him. He did fairly well. But never initiated the whole potty thing on his own and was still very resistant to it) that he was too big for diapers and that the time had come. I've read all the books that say make potty training fun. Make it a game. Reward them. Never get angry. Don't put them back in diapers once they've gone to big boy unders. Etc., etc. Folks. None of that worked. He didn't care about incentives or rewards. He was adamant that there would be no celebratory potty dances. M&M's made things worse. Peeing on a cheerio was fun the first time. No stickers. No charts. What does he want? Control. He does not want to be told what to do or when to do it. I can't tell you how many times i've backed off. But yesterday, THE TIME HAD COME.

Things went fairly well. I couldn't wrangle him into big boy underpants so we went the pull-up route. And really, he did OK. He placated us and went potty when we told him to with only (for him) mild resistance. But today? I asked him what he wanted--Pull-Up or unders. Surprisingly he chose unders. I went over with him (again) the fact that, unlike a Pull-Up, if he pees in them he will get wet. I told him he was big enough and smart enough and knew what to do and that he just had to choose to do it. "I know, Mom, I know..."

I needed to go to the store and told him he had to use the potty before we left. Major meltdown. Tears. Screaming. The works. And i, in truly Mommy Dearest form, yelled at him to "JUST PEE FOR PETE'S SAKE. YOU'RE MAKING IT SO MUCH WORSE THAN IT HAS TO BE!!!" (yes, that was the edited version). He lamented that it was taking too long and that the "pee wasn't coming." So i informed him we would try again as soon as we got to the store. Once at the store, he willingly gave it a try ("ALL I'M ASKING IS THAT YOU TRY!"). No Mama, no pee is coming.

We were at the store a good hour. "No Mama. I do not need to go potty before we drive home." OoooooK.

The child stayed dry. He got home and peed no problem. He gave me 5's and i gave him a hug and we were both happy.

On to quiet time. I took him to his room, showed him (again) his very own toilet and put the lid up for him and told him if he needed to go potty he could ask me for help or go on his own. After awhile the clattering of his quiet time toys stopped and i heard the sweet music of a toilet flushing. I bolted to his bathroom where he was in the process of pulling up his pants, gave him a huge hug (and he was pretty damn proud of himself too!) and went in private to do my own celebratory potty dance. TWO OTHER TIMES i heard the toilet seat slam and a very proud Bode come out to tell me he'd tried to pee again.

Later, when the Geeks on Call guy was here, Bode announced "Mommy! The pee is coming!" as he bolted for the potty. Could it be true? After months, yea, even a year, are we possibly seeing the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel?? He came running back out after a flush and proclaimed, "Mommy! I peed in the potty!" for which i let out a riotous WHOOP and cheer and Bode was beaming from ear to ear. Ah. That even rhymed.

Jammies were on at 6:30 and the child had the same unders he started with this morning and honest to goodness, they were dry. As Quincy in the Little Einsteins would say: "I CANNOT BELIEVE IT!" I'm holding my breath for tomorrow, but oh so happy for today!


Jared - Christina said...

Wow!! What a happy day!! :) I can't believe how much of a mind of their own children can have when it comes to "being in control". Here's hoping Tuesday is a dry one!!! :)

erin said...

holy crap. you are so lucky. see? the longer you wait, the easier it is.................. i'm starting to wonder when i take the pull-ups off at night (dare i ever?!).

Joni said...

Yipee skippee! (Is that how you spell it?) I love the image of you dancing your own celebratory potty dance. That's the best Christmas present ever. Leah would say "the pee isn't coming" too:)

Cami said...

YAY!!! COngrats. I see that the next post is sad, but never fear! Now that the door is opened, you know it's all a power struggle. It will be conquered! You're doing great.