OK, so when I made my flight arrangements to go to VA I KNEW February was the worst month weather-wise. I knew this CONSCIOUSLY. But the tickets were cheap and I was ready for a change of scene so here we are. I had all my days pretty much planned, leaving the weekend somewhat up-in-the-air, hoping it might work out to get the boys photographed by Jeri Tidwell. My Wednesday plan (today) fell through due to the ice, Thursday fell through due to a work schedule change and the friend who lives near my parents had to go out of town unexpectedly to help her sister post-surgery (and I had planned to see her a lot). Wah wah, cry me a river, I know. Now I have a very full Saturday to catch up with those I had hoped to have seen this week. Anywho, as my dear mother keeps saying, "Can't predict the weather." Yes, thanks...
So today instead of meeting up with Emma, we stayed home in the AM. By noon I was stir-crazy and knew the boys soon would be as well. I tossed them in the van and slid out of the neighborhood and headed to Ikea. Ah, yes, Ikea. Once out of the 'hood, the roads were totally fine. Funny how when I lived here I loved Ikea but didn't buy a lot of stuff. This time, now that i can't easily cart things home I wanted EVERYTHING. No, I wanted 2 and 3 of everything. Dash. I got Bode a great little builder kit. My dad called it an erector set. Hmmm. Maybe. Anyway, he helped Bode build a digger out of it. It can also make a helicopter, airplane and motorcycle. Nice. He was super-psyched about it (Bode, that is). I got a wall lamp for Keegen's room, just like the one i had in Bode's nursery when we lived here and a few other random things. It was good to get out.
After Ikea we stopped at Erin's house for a bit. Fiona and Bode ran around like wild-children, hiding from "Mo-Dog" as Bode is calling him lately (Moab is the name of my sister's chocolate lab. Bode doesn't care for his loving licks). Then we headed home so i could get the boys to bed so Erin, my mom and I could go out to eat.
Well, we went out to eat, but the boys weren't down. Keegen was in bed when I left but very much awake when I returned. Bode had a total meltdown before my departure, telling me he can't sleep alone in the room he's in, he needs to sleep in my bed, he wants to go back to "Bode's house." Ugh. I want to say Get a grip! But at the same time I feel for him. Although the not- sleeping-well-while-we're-not-at-our-own-house thing is wearing very very thin. And i can still hear Keegen screaming even though I am hiding in the basement typing this. Dinner out was a treat. Fun to sit and laugh with my mom and sis.
This is sounding like a very negative post, eh? I am very happy to be here and especially to be spending time with my sister and for my parents to have a chance to spend time with my children. I didn't grow up close to my grandparents and it's important to me that my children have a closer relationship with my parents. I'm just, admittedly, a bit disappointed that things aren't working out as I'd hoped.